Broomhall Nursery School Governing Body
The Governors of the Nursery School are made up of members from different parts of the community and can be parents and staff or from the local authority, the community and other groups. This ensures the governing body has a diversity of views and experience.
Curriculum/Resources Sub Committee:
The combined Curriculum, Resources and Premises Sub Committees meet once a term and feeds back to the Full Governing Body (which also meets once a term) with any matters arising. The Governors help to determine the vision and strategic direction of the nursery school, ensuring children and staff are safe while both challenging and supporting the nursery in making any necessary improvements. The Governing Body hold the Headteacher to account for the performance of the nursery school and its children and the performance management of staff. They oversee the financial performance of the nursery and ensure money is well spent.
Parent Governors:
Parents and carers are eligible to stand for election as parent governors. They play a vital role on the governing body as they bring to the committee their unique parental viewpoint of the setting.
Local Authority Governors:
A Local Authority Governor is a representative of the Local Authority. Local Authority Governors are nominated according to the skills and experience required and are formally appointed by the governing body.
Staff Governors:
The Head Teacher is a staff governor by virtue of his/her job. Other paid staff, both teaching and support, may become governors. Staff governors bring a unique staff perspective to the governing body. They are not a staff representative but a representative member of staff.
Co-Opted Governors:
This is an individual from the community who has the skills and experience which the governing body require and are appointed by them.
Making contact with Governors:
Governors are always very pleased to hear from parents. If you have any comments or questions about our services please don't hesitate to be in touch. All governors can be contacted by direct email: or tel: 0114 2721453.