British Values
Our Statement of Shared Values
Schools have a duty to ‘actively promote’ a set of ‘British values’ as defined in the Coalition Government’s 2011 Prevent Strategy. More recent guidance from the Department for Education in November 2014 requires schools to have a strategy for embedding these values. These values are categorised as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.
This statement sets out the ways in which Broomhall Nursery School upholds these shared values within the life of the school, encouraging children to become individual, independent and reflective learners and this is embedded in all activity in the school.
One of the schools stated aims is “To work in partnership with parents, carers, other agencies and the wider community for the benefit of our children and their families.”
All children are encouraged to have a voice and parents are actively encouraged to engage with the school through the key worker policy, meeting, open events amongst many others.
The rule of law
Amongst others the school’s Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying policy set out clear guidelines of the expectations (rules) the school has and how pupils are supported in understanding and adhering to these.
Individual liberty
Another of the school’s aims “To encourage all children to become confident as both independent and co-operative learners and enable them to develop to their full potential.”
This ethos of supporting the children to understand their role in their learning, their rights and the expectations this places upon them run through all curriculum delivery.
Mutual respect
The school’s Behaviour Code states (amongst other things):
We look after:
- each other
- ourselves
- our nursery (environment)
- our world.
We listen to each other.
We share and take turns.
We are polite to each other and show respect.”
This ethos of respect and mutual understanding runs throughout all the school’s policies and teaching.
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
One of the school’s aims is “To embrace and value the diversity within our school and the wider community, so that everyone feels included.”
This is reinforced through the school’s Equality Policy, Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying policy