Admission to Broomhall Nursery School
Broomhall Nursery School can admit children from their 3rd birthday but children are not eligible to claim their Free Early Learning (FEL) until the term after they turn 3 years old. If you would like your child to attend our nursery school, please read our admissions policy, complete an application form (see below) and email it back to us at
Broomhall Under 3s
If your child is under 3 years of age and you are looking for the very best in childcare then please visit Broomhall Under 3s is a thriving social enterprise offering childcare for 0-3 year olds. They are closely linked to us and are located upstairs in the same building. Children who attend Broomhall Under 3s enjoy a seamless transition to our Nursery School in the term after their 3rd birthday.
Transition to Primary School
Children from Broomhall Nursery move on to over 20 different primary school settings. We have excellent relationships with all of the infant and primary schools that we feed to. Many of the reception teachers come to Broomhall to visit their new pupils in the summer term and the schools all organise transition meetings for children and parents/carers at the schools. When the time comes for your child to say goodbye to Broomhall they will be awarded a leaving certificate and their learning journey will be passed on to their new teachers.
Applications for a school place are made by parents to the Education Authority by mid January of the year in which your child is due to start school. The Authority encourages parents to apply on line for their child’s school place but we always have copies of the paper application forms available from the office. Admission to Primary School is co-ordinated by the Primary Admissions team who you can contact on 0114 2735766. The link below will take you to the Citizen's Portal where you can register to apply for your child's primary school place.