EYFS Curriculum

Our Curriculum

At Broomhall Nursery School we follow ‘The Early Years Foundation Stage ‘Statutory Framework (EYFS). It covers at the stages of development from birth to the end of the child’s first year in school (reception year). 

The EYFS is based on 4 overarching principles which shape good practice in early years settings:–


  • A unique child.  Every child is a unique.  They are consistently learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
  • Positive relationships.  Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
  • Enabling environments.  Children learn and develop well in environments where their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and yourself as a parent and/or carer.
  • Children learn and develop in different ways and at different rates.  The framework covers the education and care of your child within the early years setting, including children with additional needs.


The activities and experiences that we provide for your child will underpin the skills they need to work towards the Early Learning Goals in the following 7 areas:


Prime Areas

  • Communication and language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, social and emotional development


Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Art and Design


At Broomhall we plan our curriculum using ‘Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning’.

These are the ways in which children engage with other people and their environment through playing and exploring, active learning, and creating and thinking critically. They underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner.

Playing and exploring-engagement

  • Finding out and exploring
    Playing with what they know
    Being willing to ‘have a go’

Active learning -motivation

  • Being involved and concentrating
    Keep trying
    Enjoying and achieving what they set out to do

Creating and thinking critically -thinking

  • Having their own ideas
    Making links
    Choosing ways to do things


We use Birth to 5 matters 2021 guidance and observation checkpoints from Development matters 2020 to guide our curriculum and assess children’s development. Your child has an individual learning journey where we record observations, photos and other information that is kept as an on-going record of their developmental journey.  Your child’s key worker will share this your child’s progress with you throughout the time your child is with us at Broomhall.


For more information about Birth to 5 Matters – click here  https://birthto5matters.org.uk/


“The vast majority of children make rapid progress during their time at nursery and are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education.  By the time they leave, the majority of children are at least at expected levels or higher.” Ofsted 2018

So what does this mean for you and your child?


The EYFS supports practitioners to provide play experiences that enable your child to expand their knowledge and skills to support their individual learning and development in their early years.  


All of the children are supported by all the practitioners in nursery. As well as this, they will have a ‘key person’. This person builds a strong relationship with your child and spends quality time with them. The key person will keep you informed about your child’s progress, strengths and any areas they may need additional support with.


We provide a balance of planned and free play activities for our children, supported by experienced and well qualified staff. This enables the children to become independent, confident and curious learners. As well as their own free choice – we create ‘learning challenges’ in provision for children to complete. These offer a range of opportunities for children to develop their skills in Science, Maths, Technology and Art as well as other areas of the curriculum


Teachers plan carefully for learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. In our outdoor provision children experience a cycle track with bikes, trikes and scooters; a mud kitchen; shrubs to climb; a woodland garden and bug hotel, climbing frames and slides; loose parts with which to build and create as well as role play and small world opportunities . We access the outdoors every day, whatever the weather. 


In our classroom environment we aim to represent all our children and families through use of inclusive books, provision and displays. Teaching of PSED and safeguarding for children is built into our curriculum planning and book choices.  We evidence our learning through ‘day books’, photos, newsletters and children’s individual learning journeys which are all accessible for parents.


Our daily routine for children includes free choice play indoors and outdoors, as well as focused group times led by an adult. Within these group times our learning focuses on all areas of the curriculum as detailed above in EYFS Prime and Specific Areas.


What will your child experience at our nursery?


We use reading and core books to underpin our curriculum. Every week or two weeks, we have a ‘core book’ around which some of our group times and free choice provision is based. The children listen to and share this book with an adult to become immersed in it. Core language, understanding and vocabularly are focuses of teaching, while children learn to retell and recreate the story through their own play. This gives the children opportunities to develop their ability to interpret, create and communicate.


We use knowledge rich and varied texts, covering a range of topics and key curriculum foci. We endeavour to cover a wide range of curriculum areas, including PSED, Understanding the World, Maths, Expressive art and Design and Safeguarding. Additional to our core book list, we follow the children’s interests as well as current topics, festivals and celebrations when selecting our books. Using books and stories gives children context and content for their understanding of the world.


We have a strong focus on vocabulary at Broomhall and plan this carefully into all we do. We introduce a ‘word of the week’ in BSL, Makaton and other languages spoken in our nursery. The children learn this in group time and are encouraged to use it in provision and their own play. Our word of the week is displayed in our classroom for children and families to see and use.


We pride ourselves in inclusivity and welcoming families to enjoy and experience learning at Broomhall. Throughout the year we plan and deliver parent focused events in nursery hours and our ‘Saturday Specials’ where parents join us. We focus on showcasing learning around a certain strand of the curriculum e.g. science, language so parents can see how the children are learning in nursery and also have ideas for how to support their child at home. 

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


At Broomhall we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with the appropriate education and support. We prioritise inclusivity and work according to the personal needs and stage of development for each child, planning and sharing their progress through working closely with families. We monitor children’s progress using observations and assessment. For further information, please view our SEND report.